Category: AGWT workshops

sound recording machinima workshop if casa arvers

Decolonizing the imaginary through the tactical use of Machinima workshops in Tetouan Art Institute and IF Casablanca, Novembre 2022

The French Institute in Rabat, Morocco, invited Isabelle Arvers for a new step of the Art and Games World Tour from the 31st of October to the 19th…

Art Games Demos Maroc

Art Games Demos Edition spéciale Maroc, Institut Français de Rabat,17th of November 2022

Art Games Demos is an event imagined by Isabelle Arvers and Chloé Desmoineaux, dedicated to the exhibition of video works and the demonstration of video games. Invited by…

conference isabelle arvers meknes

Art & Games World Tour in Morocco, 31 October 19 November 2022

The French Institute in Rabat, Morocco, is inviting Isabelle Arvers and Mbaye Camara for a new step of the Art and Games World from the 31st of October…

‘Afropolitan Talk: Perspectives décoloniales sur le jeu vidéo’

‘Afropolitan Talk: Perspectives décoloniales sur le jeu vidéo’, Bozar, Bruxelles 29 Mai’22

At the invitation of the Afropolitan Festival and its partner Creative District, Isabelle Arvers gave a workshop in Brussels last April on countergaming and the creation of “machinimas”,…

Interview Isabelle Arvers Court-Circuit Arte

Focus Machinima dans l’émission Court-Circuit d’Arte, Isabelle Arvers interviewée par Annick Rivoire

En Juin 2021, j’ai eu la joie d’être interviewée par Annick Rivoire pour l’émission Court-Circuit d’Arte au sujet des machinimas. Après avoir rappelé d’où le terme provient et…

Virtual tales workshop, with Alumbe Namai, AF Nairobi, Kenya, November 2020

Machinima films produced in the Machinima workshop conducted by Isabelle Arvers and Alumbe Namai, Kenyan storyteller In the frame of Jibambe na Tec at the French Alliance in…

Virtual storytelling workshops / ateliers contes virtuels, Lomé, Togo, July 2020

Festival Miségli: virtual storytelling workshops As part of the 2020 edition of the Miségli festival, entirely digital, discover the fruit of the collaboration of the Togolese storytellers and…

Machinima Workshop AF Lagos Isabelle Arvers

Machinima / Game Art Workshop, Alliance Française Lagos, Nigeria, February 20

Alliance Française Lagos is happy to present “MACHINIMA/GAME ART WORKSHOP: Make movies with video games!”, a workshop presented by French art and games curator Isabelle Arvers. The workshop…

machinima by laura palavecino

Games as colors on canvas, machinima workshop, Game El Arte del Juego, Buenos Aires, 2019

During Game On El Arte del Juego, I gave a 2 days workshop on Games as colors on canvas, a workshop that aims to use the video game…

Red Comunitaria Trans machinima workshop Isabelle Arvers

Gender and identity machinima workshop, Red Comunitaria Trans in Bogota, November 2019

In the frame of my Art and Games World Tour, I curated the exhibition Tecnofeminismo at the French Alliance of Bogota. In the days previous to the opening,…

Machinima workshops, Intuit Lab Mumbai NID Ahmedabad, MIT Pune, India, October 2019

I arrived in India in October and I gave two machinima workshops in the Design School Intuit Lab in Mumbai in the Graphic Design department and with the…

machinima workshop thailand by isabelle arvers

Games as colors on canvas workshop at PREM, Chiang Mai, Thailand, August 2019

Invited for a residency by Art Residency Thailand in Chiang Mai in the end of August, I had the chance to stay in a very lovely place the…


Games as lights and colors on canvas workshop, ACC, Gwangju, ISEA June 2019

ISEA 2019 Asian Culture Center Gwangju, South Korea, From 10am to 6pm at the Community Room 2 June 23 2019 This workshop is part of the first step…