Occuper l’espace numérique de l’art et des jeux vidéo, une conférence d’Isabelle Arvers Nous assistons à une « contre-attaque minoritaire » qui remet en question les récits dominants,…
Decolonizing Art & Video Games – Isabelle Arvers Ph.D. defense – May 16th 2024 To celebrate two decades of curating art and video games, I embarked on a…
Platform Lecture Series here at Abertay University in Dundee, 7 February 2024 On an invitation of Joseph Delappe, I first gave a lecture on how to decolonize our…
Présentée du 25 Janvier au 12 Mars 2023 à la médiathèque Jean-Rousselot de Guyancourt, « Aux futurs ancestraux » est une exposition qui adopte une perspective décoloniale sur la création…
Restitution de la résidence crea.sen et présentation de Virtual Tree, un film qui mélange prises de vues réelles et animations conçues à partir d’un moteur de jeux vidéo,…
I am extremely happy and honoured to announce that I am one of the Jury members of the Prix Ars Electronica 2022 in Computer animation with Peter Burr (US), Rebecca…
Virtual tree, a journey into the trees has been selected as one of the 11 projects hosted by the residency CREASEN. The creasen residency of Laurel Gbenafa, Isabelle…
With my NPO Kareron, I am the co-producer of UKI a Sci-fi Alt Reality cinema by Shu Lea Cheang with Jorgen Brüning. We decided to demistify the production…
Festival Miségli: virtual storytelling workshops As part of the 2020 edition of the Miségli festival, entirely digital, discover the fruit of the collaboration of the Togolese storytellers and…
The day I became Azongnike, the Great Machinima Vaudou Priestess for the restitution of our machinima workshop with Togolese Storytellers. Such an amazing experience #artgamesworldtour #togo #yevi2.0 #african…
I was in Ghana for my Art & Games World Tour, interviewing artists, curators and game makers, when the borders started to close in March 2020. I was supposed…
CARNAVAL DIGITAL 2020 is a six point star collaboration of specialists in anthropology on masks and rituals, artists, a specialist in carnivals around the world, a 2 very…