What is a witch today? Mix of 3D animation (Iclone7) and sounds and videos from the march poitevin, created in the frame of an artistic residency in Melle, Nouvelle Aquitaine, 2019 The discovery of the marsh in winter was a chance for me, because even though I could appreciate the beauty in spring, the gnarled branches of tadpoles ash whose roots hold the banks, in winter reflected in the water were the perfect setting for my images … I loved making shots of these branches reflected upside down in the water and giving a very strange dimension to this finally civilized nature.
There were no witch stories so I tried to “take out” the swamp witch through the pictures. The marsh became the main character, with a witch in the background, which I then created from scratch in 3D. So that the marsh and its inhabitants, the trees, the birds, the wind and the sounds of the water brewed by the boats, can remain in the front of the stage, I registered while whispering texts, influenced by the readings of the moment: Women running with Clarissa’s wolves Pinkola Estes, Witches of Mona Chollet, Words, Death, Spells of Jeanne Favret Saada, etc. and especially by my desire more and more urgent to say the importance of freeing oneself from all yokes: capitalist, patriarchal, political, etc.
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