Call for works indie games / machinima / emotional mapping / geolocalization / digital urban devices

For the next edition of the Festival Gamerz, I am looking for machinima and indie games

I am currently curating a show “On the other side of the City”, for the Superior School of Art & Design of Marseille and I am seeking artworks related to digital city, psycho-geography, urban devices, geolocalized projects or emotional mapping, please spread the news and feel welcome to send me your work.


Je recherche pour le festival Gamerz et pour une exposition intitulée “De l’autre côté de la ville” :

– des jeux vidéo indépendants,
– des installations de game art,
– des machinimas,
– des propositions artistiques, politiques, activistes, … autour de la ville numérique.

N’hésitez pas à faire passer cette informations et à me soumettre vos travaux avant la fin du mois de mai. Merci par avance!

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  1. Bonjour,
    J’ai entrepris depuis bientôt deux ans un voyage quotidien et virtuel via les Street View de Google ou de Yandex (pour les pays de l’ex-URSS). Peut-être cela peut-il vous intéresser… Mes pérégrinations sont accessibles via Dreamlands, mon blog (…
    Olivier Hodasava

  2. iarvers

    Bonjour et merci beaucoup, je vais aller regarder votre projet

  3. Bonjour,
    une part de ma démarche plastique consiste à “phénoménaliser” les flux numériques de communication. Je vous soumet ce travail qui donne une interprétation visuelle et sonore des paquets transitant par un point de connexion “in situ” à l’internet, proposant ainsi une lecture des échanges invisibles structurant un territoire.
    Fabien Zocco.

  4. iarvers

    Bonjour, et merci du contact, j’ai moi même donné vos coordonnées à François Commun qui a dû vous envoyer un mail de Valence, non? j’avais en effet été attirée par votre travail!

  5. rebonjour,
    oui effectivement, merci beaucoup!

  6. submission
    noise_pix_bombs art game
    noise_pix_bombs / jtwine re-twined – click your way into infinite repetitions of the same, an always the Same-Game SPIEL ohne ZIEL project. n_p_b is a remix, consisting of various former jtwine net art projects re-contextualized and re-twined. This is an anti war, experimental, virtual interactive sound-image-composition pseudo game. The n_p_b project questions repetitious perception of destruction with the option of minute modifications, while repeating the same actions. It seems one can change a lot, but actually one doesn’t. It’s possible to white-wash most of the screen, but at some point the system stays the same, resulting in being caught up in an endless loop of war-machinery and destruction.

  7. Please check this:
    This net-art is exploring a mix between reality and virtual orakul, anxiety for quick answers and data speed-biking. One you start you take yourself out of your chair into a digital location.

  8. iarvers

    Thanks for this, all the best isabelle

  9. Buenas tardes,
    En este momento estoy comenzando el trabajo plástico de mi maestria llamado “fotogenias persecutorias”, que incluye mapeamentos, arte locativa, performance e imagen digital. Este trabajo se realizará en el campus de la USP (Universidade de São Paulo) basandose en los conceptos de vigilancia, institución y espacio público, originado en la discusión sobre la presencia instaurada de la Policia Militar en el campus y el espionaje de los movimientos de trabajadores y estudiantes. La obra parte del mapeamento de las cámaras de vigilancia y la captura de las imagenes que ellas toman -respetando su angulo y altura- para así hacerlas públicas, conponiendo posteriormente un paisaje de lo “vigilado” y de los espacios de control, mas también percibiendo de este modo los espacios “anonimos” y libres, autónomos y perifericos a esa mirada del poder institucional.
    Me gustaria saber más detalles sobre la convocatoria.
    Muchas gracias.

  10. Bonjour,
    Je souhaiterais attirer votre attention sur mon travail, et plus particulièrement, sur Soul Lewitt ( ). J’utilise ici les codes du jeu vidéo afin d’interroger la posture et le regard du spectateur face à l’œuvre et aux lieux d’exposition.
    Merci de votre attention.
    Cyril LL

  11. iarvers

    Bonjour et merci pour le message, j’aime beaucoup Soul Lewitt, la musique est de vous? est-ce que la partie interactive est avancée? merci encore! isabelle

  12. luciana ohira

    Dear Isabelle,
    We are working on a new installation/intervention using a trackable bicycle which connects in a real time basis to a desk equiped with an arm-plotter. This plotter draws every movement from the bike to a white paper sheet with a special ink made from phenolphtalein and amonium which produces a fading out and a ciclic reappearing due to a humidifier system hidden inside the desk.The idea is to question how much desireable is this “data collection culture” we’re living today… Please take a look at for further details.
    Best regards, Luciana Ohira and Sergio BonilhaDear Isabelle,
    We are working on a new installation/intervention using a trackable bicycle which connects in a real time basis to a desk equiped with an arm-plotter. This plotter draws every movement from the bike to a white paper sheet with a special ink made from phenolphtalein and amonium which produces a fading out and a ciclic reappearing due to a humidifier system hidden inside the desk.The idea is to question how much desireable is this “data collection culture” we’re living today… Please take a look at for further details.
    Best regards, Luciana Ohira and Sergio Bonilha

  13. ohira+bonilha

    artwork submission

    Dear Isabelle,

    We are postgrad students from São Paulo’s University (Brazil). We’ve just finished a new installation/intervention using a trackable bicycle which connects in a real time basis to a desk equiped with an arm-plotter. This plotter draws every movement from the bike to a white paper sheet with a special ink made from phenolphtalein and amonium which produces a fading out and a ciclic reappearing due to a humidifier system hidden inside the desk.The idea is to question how much desireable/dangerous is the “data collection culture” we’re living… Please take a look at to see project details.

    Best regards,
    Luciana Ohira and Sergio Bonilha

  14. iarvers

    Hi, i was on vacations sorry for the delay of my answer! the call for works is over, but as a freelance curator i am always interested in new artworks related to games, opensource et mobile applications. Keep me informed! thanks

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